8eyes GmbH
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8eyes GmbH

Sector: sector-agnostic

We are entrepreneurs investing in startups across Europe. We bring our expertise and history to help you make your dreams reality.

The team at 8eyes started working together when they launched a startup Runtastic, which was later sold to Adidas and is now part of the company's online fitness apps. In an interview with the startup guide, one of the founders, Alfred Luger, explained that his co-founders wanted to give back to the tech and startup market after their success, so they put their efforts into creating 8eyes. When asked what 8eyes as a company looks for in their investments, Alfred said, "We are not looking for a one person show. We believe in teamwork and investing in people, not just ideas." He continued to explain that one of their priorities when looking to invest is their rapport with the founders and that the key to good work is a good personal relationship beside all market and product related topics. 

8eyes invests in industry and sector agnostic, but so far has a portfolio with mobile, software and hardware technology startups and is also open to expand its portfolio on the NFT, crypto and blockchain markets too. 

However, Alfred also mentions that at the current moment, they are excited about their portfolio and how they can expand their support to each of their current ventures, which are located all across Europe. When asked about Linz and Upper Austria, Alfred mentions that the region's reputation for the excellent industrial companies is not to be underestimated and that they continue to base themselves in the area – while investing across Europe. "Austria is a much smaller market than let's say Berlin or Paris, but because of that there is so much room to grow." He then continues, "Plus there is just a whole other level to the quality of life by living near the countryside."


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